4 Best Marijuana Strains for Anxiety - SaudiArabiacbdthcvapeoil

4 Best Marijuana Strains for Anxiety

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Best Marijuana Strains for Anxiety

Strawberry bananna

For those of you who suffer from anxiety and are thinking of lighting up a marijuana joint, then this post is for you.

Anxiety is a tricky beast to combat and also a difficult medical condition to explain. Often “Anxiety” is used as an umbrella term to describe different feelings or an uneasy situation. It is often related to stress, and you might even hear people say “I’m always so stressed and worried, I’m sure that I suffer from anxiety.”  4 Best Marijuana Strains for Anxiety

In today’s fast-paced, high-pressure rat race, it’s almost impossible not to feel “anxious” at some or another but the fact that you are stressed, worried or under pressure, doesn’t necessarily mean that you suffer from anxiety. It doesn’t also mean that you don’t. It simply means that you need to analyze yourself and understand whether you suffer from anxiety or you are simply a normal worrier. Whether you fall into the category of people who suffer from anxiety or not medical treatments such as marijuana can’t probably help with your anxiousness, and in this article, you’ll find out why.

So, before we dive into the best marijuana strains for anxiety, let’s understand what anxiety is and what are the symptoms.  4 Best Marijuana Strains for Anxiety

What is Anxiety?

According to recent data, anxiety has become the number one mental health issue in North America. It’s estimated that one-third of the North American adult population experiences anxiety unwellness issues. Furthermore, a recent survey showed that 41% of employees reported high levels of anxiety in the workplace. Another report showed that half of college students suffered from some type of anxiety and were seeking medical treatment.  4 Best Marijuana Strains for Anxiety

As we mentioned above, Anxiety is a general term that is used to describe a variety of different feelings. While anxiety is defined as a feeling of worry, nervousness, apprehension or unease, it is divided into subcategories: 4 Best Marijuana Strains for Anxiety

  • General anxiety disorder (GAD)
  • Major depressive disorder
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
  • Panic disorder
  • Phobic disorders
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Separation anxiety disorder
  • Social anxiety disorder

Of all of the anxiety disorders stated above, GAD is the most common one, affecting 5% of Americans at some point in their life. Women are more likely to suffer from some type of Anxiety Disorder with the exception of PTSD and anxiety tends to hit women around the age of 50. This often occurs around the age of 40 when menopause hits in.  Best Marijuana Strains for Anxiety

The thing about anxiety is that it isn’t one of those stand alone illnesses like the flu. When it hits, it hits hard and is generally accompanied by other related disorders such as depression.

People who suffer from anxiety will tend to experience the following:

  • Often feel out of control
  • May experience higher levels of stress
  • Often struggle with low self-esteem issues
  • Feel nervous and anxious in social situations
  • Have extreme difficulty managing pressure at work or at home.
  • Are more often sick than usual
  • Will experience unhealthy relationships
  • Will suffer from health problems apart from anxiety
  • May feel depressed
  • May have anger management issues
  • Constantly feel unsettled.
  • Constantly feel overwhelmed
  • May bounce from job to job due to of higher levels of stress

According to Anxiety UK, anxiety can be seen in the following ways:

  1. Physical effects -, increased heartbeat, sweating, muscle tension, dry mouth, feeling dizzy, churning stomach.
  2. Cognitive effects – people who suffer from anxiety may experience negative thoughts, feel like they are going to make a fool of themselves or feel like they are going to die.
  3. Behavioral effects – many people end up changing their behavior due to a fear of having an anxiety attack. They will avoid certain situations that make them uneasy.

How to Treat Anxiety Without Marijuana

Over the last couple of years, anxiety has been a hot topic in the medical research industry, leading to a variety of treatments. Many have been proven effective in treating anxiety disorders

  • Talk Therapy – This may sound a bit ridiculous but it does actually work, and it doesn’t involve stuffing meds down your throat. Talk therapy isn’t just about talking. It’s about solving issues and finding a solution to your problem. Whether it’s work related or anxiety that is caused due to social activities. It is known to be effective in overcoming fears or coping with stress, which in the end is all related to anxiety.
  • Medication – According to recent data 65% of Americans take prescription drugs, and in 2012 there were 3.3 Billion prescriptions filled. Drugs like Paxil, Xanax or Niravam are often prescribed by doctors to manage anxiety.
  • Alternative therapies – Yoga, meditation, and acupuncture. Alternative therapies have caught on over the last couple of years as people try to change their lifestyle in the hope that it will help them cope with day to day illnesses and medical conditions. These great solutions have been proven to be effective in treating anxiety as they lead to a healthy, happy and productive lifestyle that is free from stress and worry.  Best Marijuana Strains for Anxiety

Marijuana and Anxiety

Marijuana and anxiety is a controversial topic. Marijuana is known to cause anxiety or paranoia, especially when taken in large doses over a short period. It can lead to panic attacks, and as of now it is the number reason why people stop using it.  Best Marijuana Strains for Anxiety

Nevertheless, when using marijuana responsibly, it can have the opposite effect and help to treat a number of medical conditions including anxiety  4 Best Marijuana Strains for Anxiety

According to recent research, THC and CBD can have very different effects and will also affect people in different ways. CBD dominant marijuana strains tend to reduce levels of anxiety as it acts on serotonin receptors. Though for some, THC has been witnessed to help anxiety as it produces psychoactive effects that relieve people’s stress and help anxiety.

The CBD/THC Combination is a complex one and unfortunately there isn’t enough research to conclude how marijuana effects people who suffer from anxiety. In the end, it all comes down to the right balance and dosing. Therefore it is essential to consult with a marijuana doctor before consuming any form of cannabis, whether it be in its raw version or extract.  4 Best Marijuana Strains for Anxiety

Best Marijuana Strains for Anxiety

Whether you are just starting our or you’ve been smoking cannabis for years, it is always best to start slow. Every marijuana strain has different THC/CBD levels and will affect your mind and body differently. If you are seeking treatment for anxiety and decide to try to the marijuana route, then be sure to consult with a professional. And if you feel that the strain you are consuming isn’t right, simply stop.  Best Marijuana Strains for Anxiety

So here it is, the best marijuana strains for anxiety:

1) White Widow (Sativa dominant Marijuana Hybrid)

This Sativa dominant hybrid promotes a full-bodied high that can be a bit “spacey,” which makes it a popular choice for patients with anxiety or PTSD.

2) Sour OG (Hybrid Marijuana Strain)

Sour OG is a mellow and relaxing marijuana strain that doesn’t know you out but helps with stress. It is a good choice for anxiety relief.

3) Cherry Pie (indica Dominant Marijuana hybrid

This Indica dominant marijuana strain promotes a creative high with a clear mind. Perfect for dealing with stressful situations.


4) Grandaddy Purple (Indica Hybrid)

This Indica hybrid delivers potent psychoactive effects with cerebal euphoria and physical relaxation.

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