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Buy cannabis in Melbourne

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Melbourne: A city so clearly divided on the cannabis debate

With every passing day, the debate continues on whether or not Cannabis will be widely accepted, for recreational use in the world. One country, torn between both sides of the debate, is Australia.

It’s not hard to see why those in favor of legalizing cannabis are so clearly divided against those who don’t want to see it legalized.

On the one hand, you have evident demand and a ‘sub culture’ of real Australians, including those in Melbourne who love taking Cannabis. Melbourne has around 20% of the Australian population living in its environs – approximately 5 million people in all. Applying National statistics to those numbers, 33.5% of Australian adult population (totaling nearly 2 million people in Melbourne Alone) having tried the drug at least once. Since roughly 750,000 Australians deal in the drug every week, it’s likely that 1.5 million people in Melbourne alone use Cannabis regularly. BUY WEED IN MELBOURNE 

On the other hand, there are members of law enforcement and those responsible for child welfare asking valid questions as to how the public interest is served through legalization. The police spend millions of dollars enforcing the law, in Melbourne alone. Medical advisors suggest that Cannabis may be a gateway drug. Driving while impaired from Cannabis can contribute to serious accidents in the same way driving drunk can. In some cases, Cannabis has been known to exacerbate the effects of psychosis.

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All in all, it is a strange time for Cannabis in Melbourne. It feels like Victoria is right on the cusp of legalization. In many ways, Victoria is the State exhibiting the most progressive thinking when it comes to not just the questions around legalization but the potential to treat Cannabis as a Health and Social issue rather than a criminal one. Buy vapes online 

Australia can a weird place – openly relaxed but conservative behind the scenes. Nowhere is that more evident than in the suburbs of Melbourne. If you know people who know, it can be easy to find. Locals tell me that they can get it delivered faster than a pizza.

Note: This article is not a substitute for understanding the local laws in Melbourne and abiding by them. Make sure you understand Victorian law before you purchase Cannabis for consumption in that state.

Cannabis is currently legal when used for medical purposes in Australia. A bill will be introduced to legalise in Canberra for recreational purposes in February 2019


Is Cannabis Legal in Melbourne?

As of the 2016, the Australian government yielded to pressure from the medical community, making the drug legal in every Australian town, including Melbourne. However, there is an important caveat. The current Federal provision which allows Cannabis for use in some medical cases specifically does not allowed it for the use of the drug for medicinal use and not for recreation. Obtaining cannabis for medicinal use in the state of Melbourne will not attract any fine or punishment whatsoever. It’s when an individual is found in the possession of the substance for recreational purposes though, that might find themselves be subject to the local laws.

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Where can you get weed legally in Melbourne

Melbourne was chosen as the location for the first ever medical cannabis clinic in the country back in 2016.

Much like in NSW, while the law enables legal purchase of cannabis for legitimate medical reasons, practically getting hold of the drug can be extremely difficult. Estimates suggest that the number of people who want to use Cannabis for medical reasons in Melbourne is in the hundreds. Not nearly that many prescriptions have been written. There is more demand than supply.


What Does Cannabis Cost in Melbourne?

The price of Cannabis differs where you buy it and from whom you buy it. For example, those in the Melbourne area will have to shell out anywhere between $15 – $25 for a gram of ‘medium quality’ weed. This represents some of the lowest prices in the Australian market though.

In New South Wales, the price will be pegged at about $120 for the same quantity of high quality weed. Perhaps the biggest cap is that seen around Townsville of Queensland where a single gram of weed can cost as high as $350 – and that’s not even the high-quality stuff.


Can you buy cannabis online in Melbourne?

The simple answer to this question is no.

There are a number of fake websites, you might have seen one or two on your journey here, that promise you to send the weed, through the post, when you pay. This arrangement looks logical since the chances of arresting someone who sends anything via post is almost zero. However, that also means you won’t be able to trace the people you have paid.

The people who own these websites are part of a sophisticated network of scammers.  They know that when you pay, they can keep it for themselves and sending you nothing. Who are you going to complain to? Of course, you won’t be able to take such a case to the police and you wouldn’t be able to find out who you paid to in the first place too.

If you can’t find a local dealer, you won’t get a better alternative online, for now. That’s for sure.


Wrap Up

The Australian government has come a long way to legalize cannabis for medicinal purposes. With Victoria leading the way for the introduction of medical cannabis clinics, they could as well be one of the firsts to legalize the use of recreational cannabis.

It’s a waiting game for now. However, with the ease at which you can get a medical marijuana card online these days, you should be puffing away at the legal stuff for recreational use in Melbourne, in no time.


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